Finding a Purpose - Meals on Wheels Woodland Hills
Photos by Shannon Carter

Erinn Eichinger had always taken a strong liking to being a part of her community. Despite training for various volunteer organizations, she blamed her hectic work schedule for previous inconsistencies. It wasn’t until five months into the pandemic where Eichinger found herself without work as a freelance television producer. She began to not only question her purpose, but also her productivity. “What could I do to help?”
Senior citizens, to Eichinger, were the most vulnerable community during the pandemic and her searching about ways to help led to her husband and her participating in Meals on Wheels for the first time. When she was given her next schedule by the organization, she hadn’t realized this was a recurring process; regardless, she grew to love it, saying that she can, “take an hour once or twice a month to go do this.” Eichinger has maintained great relationships with the seniors, reiterating how sweet they are, and how she could be one of the few people, if not the only person, they see all day.